Loadbalance with failover protection

Your company have been using services on a single server. And now it has come to a point, where you need to have multiple services, and even maybe introduce HTTPS but don’t own a certificate.

Are your solution made like this?


When the demand on services are increasing, the possibility to expand the servers also arise. By distribute the traffic internally is sometimes costly for small/medium companies. Hardware is expensive and not all is supporting the external communication of encryption with HTTPS without a certificate and still use the unencrypted traffic internally.

By using 2 loadbalancers, a primary and secondary (as a backup if primary stops working), they will handle frontend requests and pass them to backend servers, with either sticky sessions so that same client will use same backendsystem, or roundrobing.
Loadbalancer will also hold responsible for HTTPS Certificate and decrypt and pass the request to backends.

  • High availability (HA) to remove single point of failier with redundant loadbalancer
  • Health Check of backends in case server goes down
  • HTTPS Certificate support and free with Let’s Encrypt
  • Statistics of incoming traffic and status of backends
  • Possible to change load balancing depending of your need
  • Not as expensive as bigger Loadbalance solutions tends to be.
Even if small, it can handle large amount of traffic

Loadbalancer will give an statistics report of your systems and backend

The behaviour of Loadbalancer and failover

We build and configure loadbalancer for your need