Create DLL from WSDL in C#

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How to generate a DLL file from a WSDL in C# As this was hard to get out I type this down if any other search for this. I first of started to question how to turn a WSDL to a DLL, but then found out this must be done in 2 steps. Generate file.cs […]

ksoap2 with timeout for HttpTransportSE

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KSoap2-Android have long be the library to use for soap request. But for our android development we also needed timeout when using soap requests. Currently Ksoap2 only support timeout for https, but we have modified version 2.5.2 to also support timout for http, that we needed. You will find the download below. Official KSoap2 project-page […]

“Inno Setup” – Installation for you app

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I have looked up the “Inno Setup”, and actually only want to share this app since I think it is rather nice to use instead of the visual studio pre-build installations phase. And you got a general look and feel when the application is installing and not a “odd msi” installations window. You have some […]

USB Driver for Android with HTC Legend (on windows)

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Since ADB Manager has not included the configuration for HTC Legend, it is not possible to install the ADB USB Driver, in order to enable debug on phone directly from Eclipse. There is a solution to this problem.. Open the path where you have installed Android SDK, make sure that you have downloaded/installed “USB Driver” […]

Tab Layout incomplete at google’s page [Android 2.0]

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A lot of people have followed the tutorial in Google for making Tab’s layout in Android. I followed the guide but soon got into strange errors.. Bumping my head against the keyboard of reason that I did not find where the errors where, that was the cause of the application to crash each time. For […]

Android Unbound Prefix problem

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When getting the error of “Unbound Prefix” in Eclipse when developing Android MapView as shown below in the picture. A solution is to add the namespace for the component. This error mostly appear when following the Google tutorial like this one. Add the namespace xmlns:android=”” like example below and it will most highly disappear. [sourcecode […]

Android application ongoing

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Currently development with android and webservices are ongoing. Hopefully the first app will be released soon. Also a must stress how easy it is to write webservices with PHP5, with apache. Where you do not need any applicationserver in the background but can actually benefit from you normal servers.

C# Grid Computing, ongoing

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Started to work in Grid Computing, to share heavy threads along the computers at home. I know there are other projects like NGrid, but what I find they lack of is autodiscovering of computers on the net that act likes workers, that comes and goes. No need of having to setup the computers is a […]

AutoUpgrade 0.5.1 released [C#]

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Version: 0.5.1 License: CC Requirements: Win (With mono possible for Linux aswell) Limitations: CC License (Free of use/change for personal use) Code: Csharp AutoUpgrade With this project, that is mearged with the main application that should be released, it will be possible to check if new upgrades are available. Upgrades will be download on a […]