Send Email on Subversion Commit (svn) version 0.5 released

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Version: 0.5 License: GNU Requirements: Linux/Unix/Win Limitations: No limitations Code: Java Send Email on Subversion Commit (svn) This is a small program that get some information from SVN and then email it to the person that is on a addresslist.xml list, based on repository and it’s sub-directories. It can be grouped into repository or/and directories […]

C# Application that checks for new versions

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Normally when I create some application and know that users will use it a lot, there is a underlying need of making sure the end user is using the latest version. To show one way of making this possible is using xml files at the server side, describing the changes and where to fetch new […]

Send Mail v0.4 now released

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Title: Send Mail with SVN (Send Email on Subversion Commit) Version: 0.4 License: GNU Requirements: Linux/Unix/Win Limitations: No limitations Code: Java This is a small program that get some information from SVN and then email it to the person that is on the adresslist.xml list, based on repository and it’s sub-directories. Why I made my […]

Send Mail with SVN v0.3

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Title: Send Mail with SVN Version: 0.3 License: GNU Requirements: Linux/Unix/Win Limitations: No limitations Code: Java Updates: Change the send Content to “Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit”. This to fix the errors in Thunderbird where the data didn’t show up. Download: Send mail v0.3

Lines of code counter

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Title: Lines of code Counter Version: 1.0 Requirements: Windows Limitations: No limitations As the title say. This is a small C# software that helps count the lines of code, comments, blank lines from a file or directory (recursive). It is possible to state which files to look into. For example: *.cs or *.java etc.. Better […]

Genetic Algorithm with Tetris (GA/AI)

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GA is a way to learn a population by generations, better understand a problem and working towards a goal. This by giving a small fragments of the both parents dna (information/mutation) into the childs “dna”. For each new generations, they will given more understanding of the problem and thereby make better actions towards the problem. […]